This was the first magazine which I looked at in terms of getting an idea of what type of features a school magazine has and uses. The colours used in this magazine are natural colours of school buildings, school uniform which are different shades of blue, and white for text. The masthead and strap lines also have used the colour blue but in different shades, this is to show consistency of the magazine and the colours, making it fit in, making sure nothing is used boldly so it doesn’t appeal to the audience the magazine is targeted at. White has also been used for the text to stop colours contrasting with each other, also to match them with the school’s name on the building. The images used are primary images, which use different types of camera shots such as, medium close up and long close up. The images used match with the text used on the school magazine, an example shown would be “what’s cooking in Whitley Bay High School” which matches the picture of the school student cooking. Another example would be “get creative with some tips from the GCSE art students” which is used to match with the picture of the student with her art drawing. This is shows the synoptic link between the images used and what the text is trying to indicate. The layout used is simple, they have put to pictures together and writing text on the other, however the pictures are use in line with the text that they are representing. The graphics used on the right, has been cut out and blended with the background; however the pictures in the left have not been used well due to the pictures being placed without any form of cropping which does not blend in with the background.
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